Sep 6, 2023Liked by Lorryn Kinkaid

Why I clean my bathroom... when I feel stuck, when I feel I'm not accomplishing anything, when I want to dull the ache, cleaning gives instant results and postpones or quiets that inner voice that seems to criticize more than encourage me.

Lorryn I'm Glad your hand is on the mend.

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I get it!! I hate cleaning, but since my hand is better and since Sam left for college, I'm like a cleaning maniac to feel some sense of control. I actually did get to the cabinets with a toothbrush. lol.

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Sep 27, 2023Liked by Lorryn Kinkaid

I LOVE that you write! And I love this blog! I WANT to write. I have written a lot in the past, and I can't seem to make the time to write NOW. Since I was about 7, I have always wanted to write a novel. I've started three. I've written hundreds of poems. In more recent years, I've written some haiku. You inspire me! Though I still can't guarantee that I'll sit and actually write something soon.... LOL

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